
The Ewald Family of Appleton, Wisconsin USA is off to the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom for a year.

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Location: Winneconne, Wisconsin, United States

Science Teacher Wife Mother

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Our First Visitors

Visitors are the BEST!!!

Well, we had our first visitor here on the Isle of Wight. On Tuesday, Jean came with her daughter Helana for a visit. I went to Portsmouth to meet her train. When I saw her, I cried like a baby. So, for those of you planning a visit, be prepared for lots of tears.

We had a great visit and it was so great seeing someone who has known me for longer than six months. It is very strange living day to day with people who have only known you since September.

We visited the Dinosaur Museum here on the IOW. The IOW is part of what is called the 'Jurassic Park'. Our fossils are all of that age.

On Saturday, Chris' Mom arrived for a week long visit. Chris left very early in the morning to meet her train at Gatwick. His alarm didn't go off on time, so he didn't wake up until three minutes after his ferry left. Fortunately, Pat's plane was delayed by several hours, so he could have slept later.

It has been great having her here. Tomorrow we will begin showing her some of our island. We will be visiting some palaces/castles, doing a few pub walks, taking some bus/train rides, etc.


Blogger Unknown said...

In the 25 years of marriage, we probably spent half of that stationed somewhere far away, be it Hawaii or the middle east. The last four years were spent in a little country called Oman. Visitors made these places more fun, especially being able to show them around as a "local". And the friends you make will last you the rest of your lives. Be a sponge and absorb everything, and don't wring yourselves out, bring ALL of it home with you! I am so jealous. Caroline

5:55 PM  

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