What's Happening on the IOW
Well, thought I give everyone an update on what has been happening. School isn't getting any better. However, I am adapting my expectation in an attempt to make it through. Caryn, one of the new teachers from South Africa, had such a bad day on Friday, that she is thinking of quitting. They just don't pay us enough to be treated the way we are. The admistration is no help, and sometime make things worse. Luckily, I am extremely adaptable.
Life outside of school is very nice On Tuesday night, I started adult language classes. I am learning Spanish. I only had one class, but it seems to be going well. The really nice thing is that the classes are free because I teach at the high school.
On Thursday nights, a group of us from school often go to the local pub (Fowler's) for 'Curry Night'. Indian food is VERY popular here. In fact, it is so popular, that you can get curry sauce with your chicken mcnuggets at McDonalds. Anyway, as we meet upstairs in the family room, Chris and the girls join us. We can get some good Indian food at really reasonable prices. This is also the place where we go after school on Friday to share our war stories and a few pints. Anyway, they are a really great group of people.
After a few early difficulties, the girls are settling into their school. We had a couple of instances where the teachers made comments about the girls being 'American'. The last one was their science teacher who said that 'American must have very low standards, as their work was not good enough'. Well, you can imagine how well that went over with me. After a lengthly conversation with said science teacher, he apologized to both the girls. I made it very clear that I would not tolerate any more remarks about their nationality. On the other hand, the girls are making friends and have started getting out of the house and doing things, like shopping.
As far as Chris is concerned, he just had a birthday (41). I know I said that he was here on the island, - but we have him chained up in a dungeon somewhere on the far side of the isle. That explains why you haven't heard much from him. We are thinking of letting him out for the weekend - we'll see.

In two weeks, we will be having our first break from school (half term). We are planning to go to Ireland for several days. We will visit Dublin (the Guiness plant), kiss the blarney stone, etc. Should be a lot of fun. More about that later.
Take care, post comments - they make me laugh when I read them at school - and I need the laughs there.
Life outside of school is very nice On Tuesday night, I started adult language classes. I am learning Spanish. I only had one class, but it seems to be going well. The really nice thing is that the classes are free because I teach at the high school.
On Thursday nights, a group of us from school often go to the local pub (Fowler's) for 'Curry Night'. Indian food is VERY popular here. In fact, it is so popular, that you can get curry sauce with your chicken mcnuggets at McDonalds. Anyway, as we meet upstairs in the family room, Chris and the girls join us. We can get some good Indian food at really reasonable prices. This is also the place where we go after school on Friday to share our war stories and a few pints. Anyway, they are a really great group of people.
After a few early difficulties, the girls are settling into their school. We had a couple of instances where the teachers made comments about the girls being 'American'. The last one was their science teacher who said that 'American must have very low standards, as their work was not good enough'. Well, you can imagine how well that went over with me. After a lengthly conversation with said science teacher, he apologized to both the girls. I made it very clear that I would not tolerate any more remarks about their nationality. On the other hand, the girls are making friends and have started getting out of the house and doing things, like shopping.
As far as Chris is concerned, he just had a birthday (41). I know I said that he was here on the island, - but we have him chained up in a dungeon somewhere on the far side of the isle. That explains why you haven't heard much from him. We are thinking of letting him out for the weekend - we'll see.

In two weeks, we will be having our first break from school (half term). We are planning to go to Ireland for several days. We will visit Dublin (the Guiness plant), kiss the blarney stone, etc. Should be a lot of fun. More about that later.
Take care, post comments - they make me laugh when I read them at school - and I need the laughs there.
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